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Don't GO so slow!

Hesitation is human nature. We can put off for years something that we could accomplish in an hour. So many times, we make excuses when...

Grateful to Go

GRATITUDE is a GReat ATTITUDE. When God tells us to do a thing for His kingdom, we only control a few things. We can't control what He's...

What's your excuse?

The devil loves excuses. He's the father of lies and uses them expertly, but he can also do a lot with an excuse. For years I allowed...

Going into all the world

This world is astounding. When you sit back and think about it, the place we live is hard to grasp with human intellect. Nearly 9 billion...

Are you stuck in the hallway?

We have a little rescue mutt named Cuzz. He's part schnauzer, part jack russell terrier, and part grinch who stole Christmas. He's got a...

On your mark... Get set... GO!

God is a God of action. He's constantly on the move. He loves to create and make all things new. Through His words, everything was formed...

Mission Mindset - Called to GO!

I don't know if you've heard, but I have completed writing on my first book! I'm still going through the rigors of getting it published...

Team Guaté gets a facelift!

Back in 2020, Eli and I were looking for ways to uniquely connect with friends and family around our mission. We launched a Facebook...

The Time is NOW!

Jesse has resigned his position as COO of a mid-size construction company in order to focus on raising support for the Mission he and Eli...

What is our focus?

As 2023 moves along, we have been challenged again by the call of God to do the work He entrusted to us. In Matthew's gospel, Jesus...

Happy New Year!!!

Or as they say in Spanish... Feliz Nuevo Ano!!! It is a New Year and we are believing God will do a New Thing in and through our...

The Union Izabalence Family (video)

In 2022, Alegria Ministries increased support for Club Union Izabalence. The program is truly a gift to the kids in the community. While...

What's the gift of Mercy?

I was reading Romans 12 when I came across a list of gifts given to the church. They included the gift of prophecy, serving, teaching,...

Merry Christmas!

Not all of us can do great things. But we can all do small things with great love. -Mother Teresa Spreading God's love during the...

Happy birthday, tia!

I wanted to shout out a great big Happy Birthday to my sweet tia (aunt)! And while I'm at it, I owe her a million thanks. Alegria...

Jumping in with One Challenge

In the fall of 2019, Jesse was officially accepted as an Appointee with an outstanding missions sending organization known as One...

A Christian Education

The pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, and Guatemala is no exception. This year school will be online, but we are happy...

Feliz Navidad

It has been anything but a happy year, but we can celebrate a happy Christmas knowing Jesus came to save the world from sin and reconcile...

A Firm Foundation

Last week my pastor preached from Matthew 7 on the Wise & Foolish Builders. I couldn't help but think about this parable when Hurricane...

Blog: Blog2
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